
October 21, 2022
Planners in Zambia continue to draw on geospatial solutions to make sure no one is left behind

One of GRID3’s programmatic goals is to strengthen countries’ capacities to use geospatial data and technologies for development interventions. GRID3 delivered an extensive training of trainers (ToT) programme in Zambia which was attended by urban planners. As a result of these trainings, planning councils look to use geospatial solutions to inform integrated development plans (IDPs).

June 17, 2022
Maps play an important role in Zambia’s COVID-19 vaccination planning

The Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI), under Zambia’s Ministry of Health, and GRID3 have been organising and facilitating district-level microplanning workshops. The first round of workshops were held in all of Zambia’s 10 provinces and over 2,700 health officials were trained on how to incorporate GRID3 maps into their COVID-19 vaccination microplans. 

January 14, 2022
Spatial data at the forefront of vaccination strategies in Zambia and Nigeria

Demand for accurate spatial data across sub-Saharan Africa is rising as governments formulate vaccination campaigns. In recent months, Zambia and Nigeria have requested support from GRID3 in creating and rolling out maps and spatial data technologies to aid these interventions.

December 22, 2021
Data-driven interventions bring Zambia closer to controlling malaria

For microplanning ahead of the 2021 indoor residual spraying campaign led by Zambia’s National Malaria Elimination Programme, GRID3 and Akros developed improved maps featuring field-mapped health facility catchment boundaries and updated residential structure counts using GRID3 settlement extents. 

February 16, 2021
Radio campaigns use geospatial data to reduce barriers to contraceptive use in Zambia

Using risk data provided by GRID3 in collaboration with Fraym, DMI was able to refine a Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) strategy which included running a radio campaigns for specific districts with the aim of addressing barriers to the uptake of contraceptives, such as misconceptions about their safety, low support from men, and stigmatisation of young people accessing contraceptives.

December 23, 2020
In-country trainers hold the key to sustained national geospatial capacity

GRID3’s Trainer Support Programme approach facilitates in-country partners’ efforts to educate and train future generations of data experts.

October 21, 2020
Zimba Town Council plans ahead to ensure no one is left behind

Accurate and accessible geospatial data plays a pivotal role in district planning for Zimba District, Zambia, where planners are trying to facilitate development. Through an interview with Josephine Chiila, District Planning Officer in Zimba, we learn how GRID3 population, settlement and infrastructure data are being used to identify service provision gaps and inform future development decisions.

September 9, 2020
Geospatial data informs COVID-19 preparedness plans for migrant population in Zambia

Despite falling COVID-19 cases around the world, countries still need accurate information on people and resources to continue slowing the spread of the virus. In Zambia, the International Organization for Migration is using GRID3 data to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the country’s migrant population.

July 30, 2020
Zambian government works with GRID3 and partners to control malaria

GRID3 Zambia partnered with Akros, National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP), PATH and President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) to create maps as a low-cost solution that can contribute significantly to controlling malaria in the country. The maps display GRID3 population estimates, settlement extents with estimated residential structure counts, schools, health facilities and village names. These datasets were developed with multiple Zambian government agencies.

July 1, 2020
GRID3 interactive data visualisation: mapping a path for COVID-19 response

The new GRID3 interactive data visualisation hubs provide a vital, centralised source of high quality geospatial data. They enhance coordination on data production, and encourage closer coordination among the various government bodies that are working on COVID-19 prevention and response.

June 18, 2020
The Government of Zambia partners with GRID3 to produce high-resolution intercensal population estimates

GRID3 and the Government of Zambia have produced gridded population estimates, led by the Zambia Statistics Agency (ZamStats) to support the country’s humanitarian and development planning and operations across the country.

April 17, 2020
African governments utilise GRID3 data in response to COVID-19

As the outbreak of the new coronavirus begins to extend into sub-Saharan Africa, GRID3 is marshalling its data resources and capacities to help partner governments plan rapid, effective responses.

February 14, 2020
Harmonising District Boundaries in Zambia

GRID3 facilitated coordination among all government agencies responsible for boundaries in Zambia, ensuring the production of government-endorsed administrative boundaries.