
GRID3 reflects on five years of spatial data success

August 31, 2023

In an impact report published today, GRID3 marks five years of close collaboration with governments in sub-Saharan Africa and other key partners. Vaccination campaigns, malaria bednet distribution, school placement plans, and other critical interventions throughout the region have been informed by GRID3’s spatial data products and tools.

The report illustrates GRID3’s ability to connect governments with technical partners in order to bring vital services to vulnerable populations; health ministries, national statistical offices, national mapping agencies, and other government bodies partnered with GRID3 to find new ways to fill data gaps and produce maps. Over the last half decade, this work was delivered by GRID3 through a partnership of Columbia University’s Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), the Flowminder Foundation, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the WorldPop group at the University of Southampton.

GRID3’s work continues. Now an independent non-profit, GRID3 was recently awarded $20.3 million by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to continue promoting the use of geospatial data in development interventions, with a special focus on health projects in Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 


See the impact report here

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